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Last Updated on March 16, 2024 by John Patterson
What does come to your mind while fixing something mechanical?
We believe hand tools are the very first friends that help us to fix things. And because of this usefulness, we have loads of tool-making brands around the world.
Here’s the thing-
One of those brands is Tekton tools.
Now, in the case of tools, users like to know where that tool was made. Because the concept is that the USA-made tools are the best.
So, where are the Tekton tools made?
Well, the answer isn’t so easy. As the image of the brand depends upon this, we have to make sure that you get the total view.
So, we have prepared a structured and detailed answer to your question here. But before jumping right into that, let’s take a short look at the Tekton tools country of origin.
Tekton is one of the few family-owned American companies. The brand continually relates itself to the users. According to Tekton, they make tools that would help the owners. And they know it because they have the same roots.
The most fantastic part about Tekton is its employee number. Although there’s no official employee count available we’ve dug it out. The number is around 90.
Even with this low employee count, Tekton tools has established itself as one of the best tool brands.
Where are Tekton Tools Made?
Tekton is one of the most transparent brands out there when it comes to product sourcing details.
Tekton makes the tools in China, Taiwan, and the USA. And it’s one of the very few established large brands manufacturing in the USA.
75 percent of the Tekton tools are made in Taiwan. 15 percent of the tools are made in the United States. And the rest of the tools (10 percent) are made in China.
Tekton tools like Angle Head Wrenches, Nut Drivers, and Screwdrivers are made in their Michigan, USA plant. However, you can find the country of origin written on the tool. If a tool is made in China, then you’ll know it.
There’s no hiding anything. And this is one of the best parts about Tekton tools.
However, there are several reasons for sourcing from China and Taiwan. These countries have low factory maintenance costs. Moreover, the very little labor that is needed in the manufacturing process comes at a cheap rate in those countries.
Another reason is the value of the dollar against the Chinese and Taiwanese currencies. This results in economic benefits. But let’s not get too deep into the topic.
Long story short, Tekton tools are made in three countries. The USA, China, and Taiwan. But the manufacturing ratios for these countries are different.
Who Makes Tekton Tools?
Tekton makes Tekton tools. The made-in USA tools are supervised by Tekton itself. Tekton partners manufacture imported tools. Michigan Industrial Tool imports the Tekton tools from China and Taiwan.
However, it’s highly unlikely that only Chinese and Taiwanese people work in the factories making Tekton tools. The manufacturing process is mostly automated nowadays.
Manual labor is needed at the technical level, mostly. So, there’s no chance of making a low-quality product. The machines will produce whatever they are instructed to do.
And the instruction part is handled by the Tekton Michigan facility. Because of this reason, Tekton has become one of the best tool brands, even with a low number of employees.
Where to Buy Tekton Tools?
So, who sells Tekton tools? Well, Tekton itself sells the tools. However, you can get the tools from several e-commerce sites.
Amazon, Home Depot, eBay, Walmart, Kmart, Lowes, etc. retailers sell Tekton tools. However, we believe it’d be best to buy the tools from amazon.
Recommended buy from Amazon: Tekton Torque wrenches, Tekton 24340 Drive Torque Wrench, Tekton 24335 Click Torque Wrench, Tekton wrn77164 Ratcheting Wrench Set.
It’s because in there you can understand the performance of the tool from the reviews. Sometimes, the amazon deals can lower your tool price to a pretty profitable point. Moreover, you can use the free delivery option if you shop enough.
Other than these, you can find Tekton tools at the local super shop and hardware stores.
And if you’re okay with buying the used tools, then you can go that way too. Used Tekton tools are available at pretty low prices. But for that, you have to find trusted places on the internet. Some of the forums allow used tool sales. However, we would suggest you be careful while buying the used tools.
Many have bought a damaged tool at a high price due to a lack of experience.
Tekton Tools Any Good?
Till now, you’ve learned a great deal about Tekton how the company sources the tools. And from where it sources those.
But now comes the real question. Is Tekton worth it?
Well, we analyzed the whole situation of Tekton, and we have concluded that it is worth it. Tekton is an excellent brand for three reasons.
Firstly, we have the price. Tekton gives out one of the best price-quality ratios. It’s so good that it competes with regular non-branded products. Even though the tools have a mid-range price, users think of those as cheap.
Next comes the customer service of Tekton. This is their biggest advantage, Tekton has focused on its customer service since the very start. Its Michigan facility handles all the customer service by itself.
Moreover, Tekton gives a lifetime warranty to its hand tools. It claiming the warranty is super easy. If you can manage to take a picture proving that the damaged tool is Tekton, then you can request the warranty. All you have to do is upload the image in their help section. Some even got the customer service from complaining in the review section of amazon.
Lastly, the Tekton design. The tool designs are simple yet impressive in their way. And that country of origin transparency is another plus point for Tekton.
So, yeah, it’s more than reasonable.
Bottom Line
We believe you got your detailed answer to, ‘where are Tekton tools made and who makes Tekton tools”. Long story short, it doesn’t matter where the tools are made.
What matters is the quality. And Tekton is pretty awesome in that criteria.
Now, what are you waiting for? Go and grab a Tekton tool and finish off that project of yours. Good luck and let us know your thought by commenting here.