All posts in "Blog"

How to Use a Rear Tine Tiller Like a Pro?

By John Patterson

A gorgeous garden – flourishing and healthy – begins with the right base; a rear tine tiller is an ideal tool to do the work right. But as a novice to this powerful equipment, figuring out how to wield it the right way might feel scary. This guide30 breaks it all down for you—that is, […]


How Long Does It Take to Frame a House?

By John Patterson

Framing a house is one of the most critical steps in a construction project. “A home’s shell is a structural framework for all internal components including walls, roof and floors. But how long does that take? While it can be very much dependent on things like house size, weather and construction crew experience, this guide […]


What Is Balloon Framing? Benefits, Drawbacks, Types, [+FAQs]

By John Patterson

If you’ve taken the time to look into construction techniques, then you’ve most likely heard of balloon framing—a framing style that changed the face of home construction in the 19th century. Whether you’re a DIYer, a homeowner planning a renovation, or a construction pro, knowing about balloon framing can give you insight into its place […]


The 10 Best Camping Gear Brands List for Your Next Adventure

By John Patterson

Camping is more than a hobby–it is about reconnecting with nature, overcoming challenges and making lasting memories. Whether you are hiking up a tough mountain, laying down for some family camping by the water or just getting out and sleeping beneath the stars, having quality gear carrying out your outdoor activities can be critical to […]


Ending The Nail Debate What Type of Nails for a Shingle Roof

By John Patterson

With roofing, even the smallest details make a difference—especially which nail to use on shingles. While nails may not be the primary focus of roofing, it is crucial to understand that they are an integral part to having a long-lasting and stable roof. Whether you are a contractor looking for some extra information, a homeowner […]


What are Pneumatic Tools powered by?

By John Patterson

Well, are you prepared to dive right into the wonderful world of pneumatic tools? For DIYers, woodworkers and automotive professionals alike, pneumatic tools can take your projects to the next level… if you know how to use them. In this article, we’re going to demystify these ancient tools, cover what makes them tick — and […]


How Much Weight Can Drywall Hold?

By John Patterson

We might not really appreciate it, since the drywall in our homes has always been there — silently wrapping us up and allowing us to showcase our designs inside. But how much weight can drywall hold,  you ask? So if you’re the consummate DIY’er, homeowner readying for your next project or an interior designer building […]


Can you use Toggle Bolts on Drywall Ceiling?

By John Patterson

Have you ever looked at your drywall ceiling and wondered if it could hold that new chandelier or art piece you have just been aching to hang? You’re not alone. So, if you are an experienced handyman hunters, a householder with a thirst for home improvement or exterior decorator presented in regards to your imaginative […]


What Size Nails for Baseboard? A Comprehensive Guide

By John Patterson

Have you ever wondered how big a nail should be used for baseboards? You’re not alone! Whether you are a DIY lover, a homeowner working through some of the renovations/upgrades for your house, or an interior designer, learn to specify the details accordingly; the easiest is how big a nail it would take. In this […]


7 Different Types of Drywall Anchors with the key FAQs

By John Patterson

Are you looking at your wall thinking that it is time for fresh shelves, a beautiful piece of art or that stylish new lamp? So, before you start pounding in nails or grabbing the first tools that come to hand, we need to discuss drywall anchors. Not to be underestimated, these tiny heroes hold your […]

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